Our Approach

A remarkably different wealth management experience.

In our 40+ years in the business, we have observed that fiduciary responsibility is often lacking in the wealth management industry. Many wealth management programs place clients in financial products that levy high fees that underperform their peers. These excessive fees may be hidden or appear to be low but only serve one purpose, to enhance the wealth of the advisor at the expense of the client.

Our private wealth management approach incorporates the knowledge, experience, dependability, and objectivity we have acquired from a long history in the business. We place our clients’ interest first. We strive to educate our clients on the importance of low fees and don’t earn a commission on the investments we choose. As a fiduciary, our interests and our clients’ interests are one and the same. It has always been our view that if we excel at what we do, the clients will follow.

Doing the little things right.

We believe that the following principles taken together separate us from other managers. Adhering to these principles will maximize the probability of your success.

ACADEMIC. We have always managed money using an academic approach that exploits known inefficiencies in the stock market. This means we are objective by sticking to what the research has shown us, without blindly following the newest trends or following the hunches of the talking heads on television.  

ACCOUNTABILITY. Rather than simply providing the change in account balances over a period, we show you the percentage return of your account compared to a relevant benchmark index. That benchmark is specifically tailored at the outset so you have an objective measure to gauge our performance. Many other advisors do not provide benchmark comparisons.

COMMUNICATION. Every quarter you receive in a timely fashion a quarterly appraisal providing account performance and news regarding the markets to keep you informed and up to date. As a small boutique firm we are available to meet with you at any time to discuss your results and any questions you may have.

CONTROLLING FEES. Numerous studies show how high fees, management or fund fees, have negative impacts on returns. We do our best to control these fees. Our management fees are low relative to other investment advisors and we seek out funds that have a sound investment approach with relatively low expense fees.

DISCIPLINE. We develop a financial plan for you and we stick to this strategy through thick and thin, not reacting to the news of the day. Periodically, we rebalance your portfolio with an eye toward minimizing taxes to ensure your assets are allocated as prescribed.

FIDUCIARY. We make objective investment decisions based on your goals because your goals are our goals. We do not receive commissions for trades we place nor do we sponsor proprietary funds. Our clients pay us a percentage of the assets we manage for them so when their accounts grow our fees grow.

NO MARKET TIMING. We do not attempt to time markets. Period. The evidence against market timing is overwhelming. If your advisor thinks that they can time markets, ask to see a verifiable track record over an extended period of time. We doubt that one will be forthcoming.

OBJECTIVITY. We select funds that will best suit you, basing our decision by their approach, track record, and low fees. We do not receive commissions or compensation for choosing any of the funds we invest in and therefore are not biased in our selection.

TAX EFFICIENCY. Our goal is to increase your after-tax returns and after-tax wealth. Tax efficiency is important to our approach and we take the necessary time to incorporate it into your strategy through asset allocation, a buy-and-hold strategy, Roth IRA conversions, and investment selection.